About HBD Distributors

For Product Specifications

For any product specific pricing or Spray program pricing, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Brandon Bloemhof on 083 600 1887. Alternatively, you can send an email to brandon@hbdcc.co.za for any inquiries or further information.

Please note that when you do a Government Tender, a minimum lead time of 21 days is required. We cannot be expected to provide tender pricing with a turnaround time of 24 hours. It is important to allow enough time for proper evaluation and consideration of the tender documents, as well as the preparation of a competitive bid. Rushing the process may result in incomplete or inaccurate pricing, which could lead to difficulties later on. Therefore, we kindly request that you take the necessary time to ensure a thorough and well-prepared tender submission.

All prices quoted will either stimulate VAT inclusive or Vat Exclusive. In order to provide transparency and clarity to our valued customers, we have implemented a comprehensive pricing structure that clearly indicates whether the prices are inclusive or exclusive of VAT.

Quotes are valid for 7 days thereafter a new quote needs to be requested due to pricing fluctuations based on imported active ingredients. Quotes are valid for an additional 3.5 days before a new quote is required due to potential price changes resulting from fluctuations in the cost of imported active ingredients.

Pricing on products can differ vastly due to various factors, including different manufacturers, materials used, and production processes. Therefore, it is crucial to be as specific as possible when requesting a quote. If you have a particular product in mind, providing detailed information such as the brand, model, size, and any specific features or specifications will ensure that you receive accurate pricing information tailored to your needs.

We deliver exceptional results

DEVELOP professional and comprehensive measures to improve crop performance.

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